Ukrainian polar explorers showed an amazing summer in the Antarctic
When it’s winter in Ukraine, it’s summer in Antarctica. Polar explorers from the Akademik Vernadsky station showed how “green” it can be.
The amazing landscapes were captured by Serhiy Glotov and Dmytro Martynenko.
“Usually, only snow, ice, frost and icicles are associated with the Antarctic.

This summer, the highest temperature reached +5℃ (January 3), and the lowest dropped to -1.2℃ (January 12).
Under these conditions, the snow melts and the Antarctic turns green.
The polar explorers explain that the unique Antarctic vegetation emerges from under the white cover.
The local flora includes two types of vascular plants: Antarctic pike and pearlwort. Pike’s-ear is a relative of oats, and pearlweed belongs to the clove family.
There are also about 100 species of mosses and lichens in the Antarctic.

Ukrainian polar explorers are investigating how climate change affects Antarctic vegetation. To do this, they keep track of the bushes and their distribution.
In addition to climate change, penguins help Antarctic plants grow.
“It is they who generously ‘fertilize’ rocks and narrow areas of soil, making them suitable for further landscaping,” the scientists say.

Scientists even use drones to map vegetation.
And this Antarctic season, research on the green cover of the Antarctic is just beginning!