More than 750 sub-Antarctic penguin chicks have already hatched from eggs on Galindez Island. However, there will be more new small birds in mid-January.
There is a feathered addition near the Akademik Vernadskyi station, and a real “baby boom” is expected soon. The photo of the little penguins was published on the Facebook page of the National Antarctic Science Center.
According to Vadym Tkachenko, biologist of the 28th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition, more than 750 sub-Antarctic penguin chicks have already hatched from eggs on Galindez Island.
In particular, this is only less than 16% of all the eggs that penguins have laid on the island. Therefore, the polar explorers say that the real “baby boom”, namely the increase in the number of new penguins, will begin in mid-January.
Among the babies, there are both very small ones and birds that have already grown up and are beginning to catch up with their parents.
It is reported that there are only 6 adult babies, who hatched first, on Galindez Island. The adult penguins laid their eggs in early November. A little more time and they will be able to go to the “nursery.”
All other birds born later will spend several weeks under the care of their parents in cozy nests.