Ukrainians allowed to stay in bomb shelters with pets

Staying in shelters with pets is now officially allowed.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has introduced the relevant amendments to the “Requirements for the Maintenance and Operation of Civil Defense Facilities”.

Now, people who enter shelters with pets must stay in separate rooms or secluded areas.

It is noted that persons arriving at protective facilities with pets are placed in separate rooms or secluded places.

The owner of the pet or the person accompanying it shall provide:

  • constant supervision of pets;
  • necessary conditions that meet the biological, species and individual characteristics of the pet;
  • the safety of surrounding people and animals, as well as property, from harm caused by a pet;
  • safety of the accompanied pet;
  • Compliance with the requirements of sanitary, hygienic and veterinary norms and rules;
  • the presence of a leash for pets that may pose a danger to human life or health, as well as a muzzle for dogs of breeds included in the List of Dangerous Dog Breeds approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 10, 2021 No. 1164.
Source shotam
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