The AMZ Racing mythen electric car is the official record holder, capable of accelerating to 100 km/h the fastest in the world, in less than a second.
Mythen was specially developed for this task by the universities of Zurich. The 155 kW engine itself runs for only one second, and then shuts off when the target is reached, after which it is necessary to brake. The most surprising thing is that only 12.24 m and 0.956 s are enough for acceleration.
Video of the record acceleration of an electric vehicle – 0-100 km/h in 0.956 s on a 12-meter stretch
Video of the attempt on 01.09.2023, when AMZ Racing mythen set a world record for accelerating an electric car. The car was developed by students and graduates of the Swiss universities ETH Zurich and HSLU at AMZ Racing.