Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world
According to experts, Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world, while Hungary has the biggest problems with corruption. This is stated in a report by Transparency International, euronews reports.
Transparency International ranked 180 countries by perceived levels of public sector corruption on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
The least corrupt countries in the world:
- Denmark (90)
- Finland (87)
- New Zealand (82)
They have the biggest problems with corruption:
- Romania (46)
- Bulgaria (45)
- Hungary (42)
Despite their good positions in the overall list, several high-ranking democracies – Sweden (82), the Netherlands (79), Iceland (72) and the United Kingdom (71) – recorded their lowest scores since 2012. It is noted that countries should raise standards and introduce their own rules to intensify efforts against corruption, protecting the justice system from interference and creating protection for influential interest groups in politics.
Who improved the indicator
Six countries have significantly improved their score since 2012: The Czech Republic (57), Estonia (76), Greece (49), Latvia (60), Italy (56) and Ireland (77). Since 2015, the scores have dropped significantly in Austria (71), Luxembourg (78), Sweden (82), and the United Kingdom (71). Greece received a very low score in the 2023 list due to the weak independence of the judiciary.
As previously reported, Denmark will contribute almost DKK 60 million (over $8.5 million) to the EUACI anti-corruption program in Ukraine, which it has been leading since 2016. This is support under the third phase of the initiative.