Yugoimport presents Amur surface drone with weapons

Yugoimport brought to Partner 2023 an Amur surface drone with weapons, designed as a jet ski. The same company presented at the exhibition event equipment for Western-made bombs that allows them to be converted into correctable munitions.


The jet ski drone is capable of accelerating up to 75 km/h. It weighs 670 kilograms with weapons. The drone can be controlled remotely via an encrypted communication channel. The control post can be placed in the command machine. In addition, you can use a radio to control the drone.

The main armament of the Amur is a 7.62 mm heavy machine gun. Its firing range is 1 km. The ammunition of the combat module includes 180 rounds.

The drone was equipped with a daytime sighting channel, laser rangefinder, nighttime sighting channel with a thermal imager and a CMOS camera. All this equipment is used for surveillance, target detection and fire. A trailer is used to transport the jet ski drone.

Source prostomob
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