Ukraine and the Pentagon reacted to Musk and SpaceX’s statement
Starlink terminals worked, work and will work
Yesterday it became known that Elon Musk’s company SpaceX will no longer be able to finance Starlink in Ukraine and has asked the US Department of Defense to allocate funds to ensure the operation of satellite Internet. According to the company, the financing of services amounts to more than $120 million by the end of the year and about $400 million during the next 12 months.
The Office of the President of Ukraine reacted to this statement – the adviser to the head Mykhailo Podolyak wrote on Twitter:
“Let’s be honest. Whether someone likes it or not, Elon Musk helped us survive in the most critical moments of the war. Business has the right to its own strategies. Ukraine will find a solution for Starlink to continue working. We expect that the company will provide a stable connection by the end of the negotiations ”
Давайте відверто. Подобається це комусь чи ні, але @elonmusk допоміг нам вистояти у найбільш критичні моменти війни. Бізнес має право на власні стратегії. 🇺🇦 знайде рішення, аби #Starlink продовжив роботу. Очікуємо, що до кінця переговорів компанія забезпечить стабільний зв‘язок.
— Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) October 14, 2022
The Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, was more succinct: ‘Starlink terminals worked, work and will work. Don’t worry.’
This issue is also being discussed in the Pentagon. The details have not yet been disclosed, but journalist Caitlin Doornbos (Caitlin Doornbos) noted after the briefing that there are other opportunities for satellite communication – there are not only SpaceX, but also other companies.