The Russian Red Cross is collecting money for the families of those mobilized to fight against Ukraine

The Russian Red Cross collects money “to support” the families of Russian mobilized.

This is evidenced by the information on the organization’s website.

The head of the Red Cross in Russia, Pavel Savchuk, claims that the Russian military, which has been killing Ukrainians and destroying Ukrainian cities for 8 months, “faces a number of difficulties,” and their families “feel anxious” and “need financial and humanitarian assistance.”

Russians are also offered psychological health support. As Savchuk declares, the RCH will work with the families of the Russian mobilized “on an individual basis”.

“For those who need it, humanitarian kits will also be formed. People can already receive psychosocial support from specialists of the Russian Red Cross,” the head of the Russian Red Cross said.

He adds that the needs of “disturbed” and mobilized Russians are currently being clarified, as well as the contents of “humanitarian kits”.

The Russian Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (not to be confused with the International Committee of the Red Cross) – an international humanitarian movement involving about 97 million volunteers worldwide.

The stated purpose of the ICRC is “the protection of human life and health, the prevention of human suffering and its alleviation, regardless of race, religion, or political opinion.”

The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Cross Society in Ukraine have no connection with the Russian Red Cross.

Also, let’s recall that recently during the exchange of prisoners, the Red Cross ignored the meeting due to “failure to provide security guarantees”. That is, in Russia, the Red Cross takes care of Russian soldiers, and the Ukrainian Defenders of their Land from the occupier, for some reason, the Red Cross “doesn’t reach out”…

Source Українська Правда
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