American doctors have listed 3 habits that can trigger diabetes. One of them is the reluctance to drink coffee.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases nowadays. At the same time, the disease affects people of all ages. As explained by US doctors, despite the genetic predisposition to the disease, bad habits can also trigger the disease. In particular, people who refuse to drink coffee due to the misconception that the drink has an undesirable effect on the body’s metabolic processes are at risk. On the contrary, scientific studies have shown that consuming it once or twice a day reduces the likelihood of developing the condition.
An undesirable habit is a love of fast food, which is associated with an increase in visceral fat levels. Its accumulation not only leads to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, but also to a decrease in the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
The American doctors also reminded about the importance of vitamin D, as its deficiency can provoke diabetes. At the same time, it is important to get it not only from food, but also from the sun, since in the latter case, the functioning of the pancreas improves in parallel. This puts housewives at risk.