ChatGPT update. Voice chats and the ability to add images (videos) have been added

OpenAI developers have updated ChatGPT, adding two new features: the ability to conduct voice chats with a bot and image support. The innovations will expand the range of ways to interact with the bot.

Voice chat will allow you to give the neural network a voice request. The answer will be in audio format. To send a request, go to the settings, select “new features” and “voice conversation”. Then a button with the headphones icon appears on the main screen. There are five votes to choose from.

The image upload function allows you to make visual queries. For example, take a picture of the contents of the refrigerator so that the chatbot can suggest a recipe from the available products. Or take a picture of a bicycle and ask ChatGPT to tell you how to lower the seat. You can draw on the image to highlight specific details when querying.

These two features will first be available to paid ChatGPT Plus subscribers and corporate users of the chatbot. Voice chats can only be used in the app, and images on all platforms

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