Chinese Navy tests the world’s most powerful Gauss gun

The Navy of the People’s Liberation Army of China has tested the world’s most powerful Gauss gun, scmp reports. The electromagnetic installation is capable of launching projectiles at a very high speed without losing accuracy. It should be noted that the photo above shows an American railgun.

What is known

Chinese scientists who participated in the project report that the electromagnetic launcher was able to accelerate a 124 kg projectile to 700 km/h. This speed was achieved in less than 0.05 seconds.

The test used the heaviest known ammunition for Gauss guns. At the same time, Chinese scientists and the military have not yet disclosed information about the launch range and other details of the test.

The Gaussian gun is a type of electromagnetic mass accelerator. The barrel is made of a dielectric and installed inside a solenoid. When an electric current is applied, an electromagnetic field is generated in the solenoid, which accelerates the projectile.

Chinese scientists believe that electromagnetic launchers have a great future. Their advantages over traditional cannon artillery are high speed, low cost, and quick preparation.

Now China is working on an even more powerful Gaussian gun. The new electromagnetic launcher is expected to hit targets at a distance of more than 100 km, accelerating the projectile to 3600 km/h (almost Mach 3).

Source gagadget
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