Elon Musk’s sky show, second stage of Falcon 9 rocket flies over Ukraine (video)

The May sky continues to amaze Ukrainians with bright nighttime spectacles. Shortly after the superbug outbreak, a new and unusual phenomenon was observed over Kyiv and some other regions last night.

The night sky was decorated with a light circle that resembled an eye. In some cases, it also had two spiral arms that diverged from the central part of the circle. According to the Alpha Centauri channel, this is how the second stage of the SpaceX Falcon 9 carrier looked like.

It should be noted that on May 2, SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket with a pair of Maxar Intelligence satellites commissioned by WorldView Legion. The launch took place from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, at 21:36 Kyiv time. And at about 22:50 Kyiv time, the second stage of the Falcon 9 was located exactly where the object was observed in the sky – in the northwest.

The light gray line is the trajectory of the stage over Europe, which could be observed in Ukraine.

The first two Maxar-1 satellites are designed for Earth observation. Each of them has powerful cameras capable of capturing precise images of small objects and features on the Earth’s surface. They provide a resolution of 30 cm. In total, the company plans to deploy a fleet of 6 such satellites. Thanks to their high resolution, they are expected to triple Maxar’s ability to collect high-quality images and map the planet.

The Maxar-1 satellite launch mission was the 20th flight of the first stage of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. This was SpaceX’s 44th launch in 2024 and the 328th Falcon 9 launch. After the first stage separated, about 8.5 minutes after takeoff, it returned to Landing Zone 4 at Vandenberg, the 303rd landing of a SpaceX launch vehicle.

The satellites were successfully deployed and started receiving and sending signals.

Source itc
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