Hackers are trying to gain access to the data of Ukrainian accounts in the Telegram, – Cyberpolice
Ukrainian Cyberpolice warns of attacks aimed at gaining access to the accounts of Telegram messenger users. The department told what to do to avoid burglary.
In order to gain access to Telegram account data, criminals distribute messages with links to the alleged Telegram website. After following the link, hackers can gain unauthorized access to accounts with the ability to intercept a one-time code from SMS.
According to the National Police, experts from the Cyber Police Department and the Government Emergency Response Team of Ukraine CERT-UA have blocked the hosting from which the attacks were carried out, but the attackers are “moving” to Russian hosting.
Why it is dangerous
The greatest danger from such attacks is that with their help, attackers gain access to Ukrainian accounts and steal session data, contact lists and correspondence history.

The cyber police urged to be vigilant and not to follow suspicious links. It is recommended to set an additional password for two-stage authentication in Telegram (together with the incoming SMS code).

Among other things, it is advisable in the Telegram settings to end all sessions except the current one.
In case of receiving such notifications, please urgently inform the subjects of cyber security of Ukraine in order to take urgent measures to block harmful web resources.