How to find an iPhone if it’s lost, turned off, or in silent mode

Losing an iPhone can put the owner in a stressful state, given the cost of the smartphone and the importance of the information stored in it. However, Apple has taken care of this problem.

Call yourself

Call the device from a second iPhone or iOS device of a family member. By focusing on the sound, you can quickly find the loss. This method will not work if your iPhone is set to silent mode or turned off.

Turn on the signal using Apple Watch

If you have such a watch, it is advisable to use the Ping function, which will search for the iPhone regardless of the ringtone volume and Do Not Disturb mode, provided that the device is within Wi-Fi/Bluetooth range.

The recommended procedure is to swipe on the Apple Watch, select the iPhone icon, and wait for the beep.

Send a signal through the Locator.

If you don’t have a smartwatch, you can use the same function in the Locator app from another device linked to your AppleID, or via iCloud in a web browser. To do this, launch the Locator, select the iPhone, and play a sound that can be used to locate the device.

Build a route in iPhone

If the Locator shows that the iPhone is far away, you can plot a route to the device. If you have an Internet connection, the current location will be displayed. To do this, open the Locator, select the iPhone, tap Routes, and navigate to the device.

Start the “Disappear Mode”

Activating the “Disappear Mode” will lock the device for data protection and allow you to leave messages with your contacts. To do this, go to the “Locator”, select the iPhone, activate the “Mark as missing” option and enter the necessary information.

File a report with the police

If you suspect a theft, it is recommended to go to the police and file a report. Providing data, such as serial number and IMEI, can help in the investigation. You can find the above data on the packaging, receipt, and in iCloud.

Source prostomob
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