Environmental activists from the Last Generation movement staged a protest in Berlin by throwing paint on the Brandenburg Gate. This protest reflects their disagreement with the German government’s policy on the use of fossil fuels.
All six pillars of the Brandenburg Gate were doused with paint. Law enforcement officers detained 14 people and are currently investigating the damage to the monument. Paint was also poured on Paris Square in front of the gates.
Germany, so lost. #Letztegeneration besprüht Brandenburger Tor, Polizei konstatiert nur: “Alle sechs Säulen sind betroffen”. Na dann, Klimaprotest, macht sich immer mehr Freunde. pic.twitter.com/NhWYUIomXg
– alexander moehnle (@AMoehnle) September 17, 2023
The Last Generation movement stated that they were not responsible for this action. They claim that the protesters used fire extinguishers, not paint.
Activists of the Last Generation movement, according to media reports, demand that Germany completely abandon fossil fuels (gasoline, coal, and gas) by 2030. The movement is planning new actions, including a road blockade in Berlin tomorrow.
Polizeieinsatz bei #LetzteGeneration am #BrandenburgerTor pic.twitter.com/ZDMQK51Fyw
– SpeerPhönix (@speerphoenix) September 17, 2023
The German government strongly condemns the behavior of environmental activists. According to Interior Secretary Nancy Feyer, the Last Generation movement is not achieving anything by doing so, but is only damaging the public support that climate protection needs.