Wet wipes have become a very popular hygiene product. But people often overestimate their usefulness and use them even when there are other alternatives. Here’s what’s wrong with this cleaning method.
Use wet wipes to wipe your hands, remove makeup, for baby care or even when cleaning. Even astronauts on the ISS use wet wipes to protect themselves from radiation.
Unfriendliness of wet wipes
It’s convenient, but not environmentally friendly: wet wipes are often made of synthetic fibers and impregnated with antibacterial compounds with flavors and softeners.
Wet wipes are not biodegradable and difficult to recycle. Wet wipes are often flushed down the toilet, but they do not soak and clog the sewer. They cannot be composted.
Wet wipes are packaged in plastic. Packaging for wet wipes is made from multi-component materials that are not recycled. This means that after use, they end up in landfills. Wet wipes contain fragrances that can cause allergies. This is not a far-fetched problem: 10% of people are allergic to fragrances, of which 42% are allergic to fragrances in cosmetics.
A false sense of purity
Wet wipes create a feeling of cleanliness where there is none. For example, before eating lunch in a cafe, a person wipes their hands with a damp napkin instead of going to the restroom to wash them with soap and water. It may seem like this is enough, but it is not.
Even disinfectants with 60% alcohol do not kill all types of germs, are not as effective for dirty and greasy hands, and do not remove chemicals. Moreover, ordinary wet wipes will not help with this, so it is not a good idea to replace hand washing with them.
When not to use wet wipes
Sometimes wet wipes are really necessary, for example, to wipe a child’s hands during a walk. But otherwise, you should use them wisely:
- do not replace hand washing. If it is possible to wash your hands with soap and water, it is better to do so. This way, your hands will be cleaner and you’ll leave less garbage behind;
- do not use for cleaning the house. To wipe off dust, it is best to use reusable, washable cloths;
- do not use for children’s hygiene at home. For example, when changing a diaper. In general, if there is water, soap, and a towel nearby, it is better to use them – it is more hygienic and environmentally friendly.
If you want to avoid wet wipes altogether, you can use chlorhexidine. You can pour the product into a small bottle, and if necessary, soak a clean handkerchief or small towel with it and wipe your hands and surfaces. If disinfection is required, additionally treat with a sanitizer, because chlorhexidine is not a substitute for it.
Important! This material is for general informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or medical advice. The publications on the site are based on the latest relevant and scientifically based research in the field of medicine. However, if you need a diagnosis or medical advice, be sure to consult a doctor.