Moscow deputies suggested that Putin resign

They emphasize that people live better in countries with frequent changes of government

The Council of Deputies of Moscow’s Lomonosovsky District appealed to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, with a demand to resign.

The Insider writes about it.

The deputies noted that, starting with Putin’s second term, “everything went awry”: the GDP did not double, the minimum wage did not increase to the declared figures, intelligent and able-bodied people are leaving Russia en masse, the promised stability is not there.

“Elections are approaching, and in a few days the composition of our Council will change. We have held our positions for five years and it is time to hand them over to fresh people with new ideas and strengths. Research shows that in countries with regular changes in power, people live better and longer on average than in those where the leader leaves office with his feet first. You had good reforms in the first and partly in the second term, but after that everything went awry.

The rhetoric you and your subordinates have been using for a long time has been permeated with intolerance and aggression, which in the end effectively pushed our country back into the Cold War era. Russia began to be feared and hated again, we are again threatening the whole world with nuclear weapons.

In connection with the above, we ask: to remove yourself from your position due to the fact that your views, your management model are hopelessly outdated and hinder the development of Russia and its human potential.”

Earlier, municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, Smolninsk district informed about a similar appeal. In the coming days, they plan to send an appeal to the State Duma with a proposal to accuse Putin of treason because of the war in Ukraine.

Source The Insider
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