MQ-9 Reaper developer tests new Mojave drone

General Atomics has reported on the testing of a new promising Mojave drone. It was tested by the company’s specialists for its ability to take off and land on unprepared surfaces.


During the test, the drone took off from a dirt runway in the suburbs of El Miraj. This city is located in California. Before testing, a reinforced landing gear was installed on the drone.

The aircraft is positioned by the manufacturer as an expeditionary aircraft. A C-130 aircraft can be used to transport it. Mojave can carry 16 Hellfire missiles and other ammunition. If necessary, cargo capsules can be mounted on it to provide logistical support to infantrymen.

The Mojave can be equipped with infrared and electro-optical cameras, electronic warfare and electronic intelligence equipment. The drone was first shown at General Atomics 2021. The drone received its flight control system and avionics from Grey Eagle and Reaper. The Mojave has a payload of 1,633 kg, which allows it to carry a wide range of weapons.

Source prostomob
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