Not everyone will benefit from the update: Windows 12 will require 16 GB of RAM and a new processor

Windows 12, which will be released next year, will significantly increase the minimum system requirements for devices.

This was reported by tomshardware.

In particular, only devices with 16 GB of RAM will be able to update to version 12 of the operating system. This is a lot compared to 4 GB in Windows 11. And Windows 10 generally supports computers with 1 or 2 GB of RAM.

Experts believe that this is due to artificial intelligence and the personal assistant Copilot. They need high performance for data processing.

Perhaps by this time, laptop manufacturers will make this amount of memory even for cheap models. However, the price of the budget segment is expected to increase immediately.

In addition, Windows 12 will support new processors, such as the 14th generation Meteor Lake or the Pluton module.

Source itsider
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