A scandal broke out between a Ukrainian family and a Russian-speaking woman on a flight from Vienna to Valencia. The girl’s mother contacted the police and wrote a statement.
A Russian-speaking woman on the Vienna-Valencia plane hit a child from Ukraine who was sitting in the seat behind her.
The details of the story were shared by the girl’s mother, Roksolana Maly. According to the woman, that day she and her children were returning from Ukraine to a safer place. The children calmly played with gadgets, and after a while, Roksolana’s daughter began to fold her table to go to the toilet.
‘From the seat in front of her, a hand reaches into our row, swings and slaps her on the back because Selena just turned towards the aisle. I notice it with my side vision, not quite understanding/believing what happened, I turn back to Selena. The girl looks very scared, says that she does not know what happened and that she is very uncomfortable. Frightened, she goes to the toilet. I still can’t understand what happened, I look at the seat in front – a lady in her 50s with her eyes closed, as if she is sleeping,’ the woman recalls.
The frightened mother decided to check what exactly was happening by repeating the movements of the girl.
‘Clearly and focused, I see a hand reaching up to the elbow from the front seat and swinging deliciously at my child. We humans have other ways to resolve controversial situations, they are called communication. However, after what you did, I have doubts about your humanity.” Madame continues to pretend to be asleep,’ said the girl’s mother.
The woman decided not to keep this incident quiet, so she called the flight attendant. The passenger still continued to pretend to be asleep. However, the flight attendant still persistently tried to explain to her why she had complaints. The passenger endured a pause, turned to the girl’s mother and said: ‘Woman, your children are ill-mannered’ (in Russian).
After a portion of nonsense, the Ukrainian woman decided to end the dialogue, remaining in her daughter’s seat. After landing, the crew of the Spanish Civil Guard arrived at the plane. The Russian-speaking passenger was asked to leave with her belongings, she understood that she would have to answer for beating the child and tried to come to an agreement. However, she did not succeed.
‘We went on to request a medical examination, which is necessary to file a police report, and we did file a police report… Neighbors of ‘madam’ confirmed that they saw her hit Selena. The neighbors across the aisle, a couple with two children, said she did something similar before boarding the plane with their daughter. Fortunately, no signs of physical injuries were found in Selena. Instead, without a doubt, there was damage caused to her mental state,’ added the Ukrainian.