The “blue screen of death” as in Windows will now appear on Linux
Linux will get its own version of the “blue screen of death” (BSOD). The latest version of systemd for Linux includes the systemd-bsod service, which is capable of generating a full-screen error message in Linux distributions.
Just as the “Blue Screen of Death” originated on Windows, the Linux version will be used as an emergency tool for logging errors. If the Linux system fails to boot, it generates a full-screen message with a QR code to get more information about the cause of the boot problem. This feature was added as part of the Outreachy project.
The systemd-bsod feature is still experimental, and the GitHub changelog notes that it is still subject to change. At the same time, systemd is a core part of most Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and Red Hat. Therefore, it is likely that this BSOD feature will appear in many Linux distributions during 2024.