The British Evening Standard published a photo of an Armed Forces soldier with a swear word chevron: Ukrainians are delighted (photo)
The British Evening Standard published a photo of an Armed Forces soldier with a chevron on his chest on its front page: “There is no enemy more terrible than the commander of the dolbo*ob (“idiot” or “moron”)”.
“The front page of Thursday’s issue”, the publication noted. The news quickly spread across Telegram channels and social media, where it provoked a strong reaction.
In the comments, most people write that they agree with the statement on the patch. The answer is short and in one word: “base “, which means a positive assessment or approval of the actions or deeds of a person, Telegraf writes.
The vast majority of commentators agree with the inscription on the chevron and support it in various ways.
- “Such people will never become slaves”
- “He has a chevron of one of the legendary brigades (if I saw it correctly). My brother served in it. And yes, their brigade commander is super.”
- “And it’s true, there is no worse king than a rooster without a brain”
- “You don’t put this on your chest without the appropriate feedback. This problem is long overdue. Adequate commanders don’t lick their asses and don’t get promoted, but the bastards send people to their deaths just to flatter their senior commanders. I’m not even talking about how they f@ck with the salaries of people who are no longer there.”
- “The right to all 1000 percent”
- “Isn’t there a sign that says ‘Partners are worse than the occupiers’?”
- “Plus”
- “The 93rd is playing”
Some also mentioned the mass deaths of our soldiers in November, when the command gathered the soldiers of the 128th Brigade in one place for awarding.
- “Especially those f@ckers who line up soldiers in the open.”