The end of the “Kalibr” in Crimea, the General Staff confirmed the defeat of the last missile carrier on the peninsula

According to the updated information, on the night of May 19, the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit a Russian missile ship “Cyclone” of Project 22800 in Sevastopol.”

This is stated in the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 16:00.

Yesterday, the head of the press center of the Southern Defense Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, said that there is a high probability that the small missile ship Cyclone, the last Kalibr carrier in the temporarily occupied peninsula, was destroyed in Crimea.

However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

Also, the morning report on Russian casualties did not mention another destroyed ship.

Thus, on the night of May 19, not only the Kovrovets minesweeper, but also the Cyclone ship was hit in Sevastopol Bay.

This is a small missile ship of the 22800 Cyclone project, which was reported by Russian publics in the port of occupied Sevastopol on the night of May 20. According to them, the missile carrier was hit by allegedly ATACMS missiles, killing six crew members and injuring 11.

It is known that the Cyclone also served as an air defense system – it was armed with the Pantsir-S SAM, but the occupiers have not yet fired a single shot from this ship.

This is a new ship. The Cyclone, a small missile ship of the 22800 Karakurt series, was laid down in June 2016 at the Zaliv shipyard in temporarily occupied Kerch and launched in June 2020.

It is equipped with Oniks and Kalibr vertical launchers, a modernized 76.2 mm AK-176MA artillery system and ZRAK Palash.

Source leopolis
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