TikTok has released a new feature for the lazy: auto-scrolling videos without user intervention

The TikTok app has a new feature that can automatically scroll through a video feed, freeing the user’s fingers from unnecessary movements.

Gizmodo writes about it.

As you know, TikTok loops videos. If the user puts the smartphone down, the video will play indefinitely.

Autoscroll disables looping and automatically skips to the next video. It resembles a similar YouTube feature where, since 2014, users can start watching the next video without even touching the device.

TikTok has not officially announced the introduction of auto-scrolling. It is known that the service has been testing the feature for at least a year when it became available to some users.

However, reports on social media suggest that it has appeared in more accounts over the past few weeks.

How to activate video autoscrolling in TikTok

To find the autoscroll, tap and hold any video in the For You or Watch feed. If auto-scrolling is available for your account, the corresponding button will appear among other features such as “Complain,” “Uninteresting,” or “Clean Mode.”

To turn it off, tap and hold the video again, and then select manual scrolling.

Source speka
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