Type with your eyes: Microsoft has patented an incredible technology
Microsoft is developing an innovative Eye-Gaze technology that can change the way users interact with applications through eye movements. Microsoft’s recently filed patent application demonstrates the latest advances in technology in accessibility and user experience.
Eye-Gaze technology allows you to type using only your eyes. The patented Eye-Gaze system uses a lag-free input method where the user only needs to look at the keys on the screen to type. In addition, it allows users to interact with different applications by simply focusing their eyes on them, allowing them to click buttons in web browsers without any physical interaction.
Microsoft has introduced a smooth response system called “dwell-free” to eliminate problems associated with eye flicker and uneven gaze recordings. This helps to solve the problem of not accurately identifying the place a person is looking at. It also does not require someone to look at an object for too long, which improves usability and reduces eye strain.