Ukrainian Armed Forces start using Swedish Robotsystem 70 systems at the front

The Robotsystem 70 short-range man-portable air defense systems manufactured by Saab have arrived in Ukraine. Moreover, they have already been deployed in the forefront. Photos of the system were published by members of the Ukraine Weapons Tracker team.

The photo next to the RBS 70 shows a soldier of the newly created 88th Brigade. There has been no official word on the delivery of these man-portable air defense systems. Ukraine could have received them from Sweden, Norway, Latvia, and Lithuania.

The RBS 70 belongs to the class of command-and-control MANPADS. A laser beam is used to guide the missile to an air target. The key advantage of the system is the ability to operate effectively in conditions of countermeasures by electronic warfare and heat traps.

The man-portable air defense system can be used to launch Bolide, Mk.1 and Mk.2 anti-aircraft missiles. Depending on the type of missiles used, the RBS 70 can hit targets at a distance of 5-8 km. The weight of the system is 87 kg. Conceptually, this man-portable air defense system falls in a niche between the Stinger and full-fledged MANPADS mounted on wheeled or tracked platforms.

Source prostomob
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