Parliament raises fines for refusal to accept a summons and failure to appear at territorial recruitment centers
The Verkhovna Rada voted in favor of draft law No. 10379, which amends the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses and increases liability for violations of mobilization and military offenses.
This was reported by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak from the Voice party.
- If a person is not registered or does not update their data in time, they face a fine of 3400-5100 hryvnias. During martial law, this amount increases to 17-25 thousand hryvnias.
- For violation of the legislation on defense and mobilization (refusal of a summons, failure to appear before the MCC), a fine of UAH 5100-8500 is imposed. During martial law, the fine increases to 17-25 thousand hryvnias.
- For officials of state and local authorities, legal entities and public associations – UAH 34,000-59,500.
The amendments provide for the imposition of fines in absentia for violations of mobilization legislation. Fines will not be issued if the territorial recruitment center (TCC) can obtain the person’s data itself through state registers.
In order for the law to come into force, it must be signed by the speaker of parliament and then by the president. It will come into force the next day after publication.
At the same time, the Council is considering two models of economic booking.
- The first model is that the amount of taxes on the salary of a person liable for military service should be 35 thousand hryvnias, which is enough to support one soldier.
- The second model is a quota for companies that employ people liable for military service.
As a reminder, on April 11, the Verkhovna Rada passed in the second reading draft law No. 10449 on strengthening mobilization.