Increase in electricity tariff: the head of the energy regulator told about the price and the likely timing of implementation
The head of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NERC), Kostyantyn Ushchapovsky, believes that the next increase in electricity tariffs for households is possible no earlier than the end of the heating season.
In an interview with Ekonomichna Pravda, he said that, in his opinion, the possible increase would be 15%.
“My personal opinion is that there is no question of raising tariffs until the successful completion of the autumn-winter season. I think [after the fall and winter period] we will propose some decisions, but they will go through the entire procedure: from public discussions where we will listen to all parties to making the final decision. If we take the next step, it should be a balanced one, with a maximum of 15%. We come up to about UAH 3 per kilowatt-hour,” Ushchapovsky said.
Currently, the electricity tariff for households in Ukraine is UAH 2.64 per kWh, while the market tariff, according to Ushchapovsky, is UAH 5.5-5.8.
Due to this difference, the annual amount of revenue shortfall in the market is UAH 125 billion.
Ushchapovsky does not predict when the promotion will take place.
“We need to discuss this with society. By the way, at the beginning of the war, a moratorium on raising gas and heating tariffs was introduced. But why gas and heat? Why not for electricity or water? I can’t answer that,” he said.