Mario Saves People: Doctors Confirm the Benefit of Super Mario Odyssey in the Treatment of Depression

Medicine has not yet found a universal method of treating depressive disorders, which have become a real problem for humanity.

Millions of people suffer from this disease, and doctors use various methods that do not always have a positive effect on the patient. German researcher Moritz Bergmann and his colleagues have made an unexpected discovery.

During the experiment, three groups of patients with depression were treated in three ways: with traditional pills and psychotherapy, with a special computer program CogPack, and… with gaming sessions in Super Mario Odyssey.

As it turned out, the popular action platformer from Nintendo turned out to be the most effective treatment for depression.

It has been experimentally proven that after six weeks, the group that played Odyssey had almost halved their depression rates, while the other two groups had less impressive results.

Of course, it cannot be said that Super Mario Odyssey is a universal remedy for depression, but it is undeniable that computer games help people to survive difficult life moments and normalize their mental state.

Source gagadget
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