Doctors have found a new pleasant way to treat depression without medication

Over the past generation, the number of cases of severe depression has increased worldwide. Between 2013 and 2016, the incidence rate increased by 33%, with the largest increase among young people. In this regard, the use of antidepressants has become more widespread, although modern medications have limited possibilities in treating this disease.

Depression has a negative impact on the demographic situation (people do not want to start families), the economy (people do not want to work), scientific discoveries (lack of ambition, motivation and goals) and the criminal situation (the number of crimes against mental disorders and suicides is increasing). All these factors emphasize the need to find and apply new methods of treating depression.

A new study of depression

Scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (USA) conducted a study to answer this question. The researchers analyzed data from 21,064 participants from 106 countries who wore thermometers to measure their body temperature, reported their feelings, and made notes on symptoms of depression. The average age of the participants was 46 years old.

The study found that high body temperatures, either self-reported or measured with thermometers during wakefulness, were associated with higher levels of depression symptoms. The researchers also found that people whose temperature changed less during the day were prone to higher levels of depression, although this trend was not statistically significant.

An increase in body temperature affects depression.

According to these results, scientists believe that changes in body temperature may play an important role in the development of depression. Thus, the use of hot tubs or saunas can be useful in the treatment of depression, as they can cause the body to cool itself through sweating.

“Interestingly, heating the body can lead to a long-term decrease in body temperature, which is even more effective than using an ice bath,” said Ashley Mason, the study’s lead author.

Although it is still difficult to draw final conclusions, we can already say that visiting a sauna is good for health. Even simple muscle relaxation and improved lymph flow can have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Important! This material is for general informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or medical advice. The publications on the site are based on the latest relevant and scientifically based research in the field of medicine. However, if you need a diagnosis or medical advice, be sure to consult a doctor.


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