Meta cancels cross-platform chats between Facebook Messenger and Instagram: what will change for users
Meta added cross-platform integration of Messenger and Instagram chat in 2020, but is now canceling it.
As 9to5Google suggests, it’s to avoid being penalized by regulators under the EU Digital Markets Act, which requires large companies to be interoperable between messaging platforms.
Starting in mid-December 2023, you will no longer be able to start new chats or call Facebook friends from Instagram and vice versa. The history of previous dialogs will remain, but will be read-only. Accounts will also not be able to view the status of the other person on another social network.
The EU adopted the Digital Markets Act in 2022 as a means of restraining platform owners from gaining monopoly power. If the company exceeds a certain revenue threshold and the European Commission recognizes the platform as excessively dominant, the business may be subject to a maximum fine of 10% of global revenue.