Minister of Education supports capitalization of “rf”

Oksen Lisovyi considers it a mistake to capitalize the word "Russian Federation" and is "only in favor" of Ukrainian schoolchildren writing the name of the aggressor country with a lowercase letter.

The Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oksen Lisovyi, is not against Ukrainian schoolchildren writing the name of the Russian Federation with a small letter. He posted this on his Facebook page in response to a question from a user on Friday, September 8.

“I’m all for it,” he said when asked if he “wouldn’t mind if children in Ukraine wrote from a young age: in school essays, for example, or in geography classes.”

At the same time, it is the Ministry that capitalizes the name of the country in documents. “Spelling ‘rf’ with a capital letter is a mistake, but it is a requirement of rulemaking,” says Lisovyi, noting that otherwise the Ministry of Justice would not have registered the Ministry of Education’s order.

His post is devoted to the order on the specifics of education for Ukrainian children who are currently abroad and studying in local schools. It regulates the reduction of the workload on them in Ukrainian schools by allowing them to study only the Ukrainian studies component in the newly created distance classes.

It should be noted that since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, a significant number of Ukrainian politicians, officials, government agencies and the media have been using a disrespectful form of spelling the name of the Russian Federation or the names of Russian statesmen in posts on their websites and social media, spelling them with a lowercase letter, despite the fact that this is a spelling error.

The editorial staff of fully supports and shares the position of our colleagues and the Minister of Education of Ukraine, and will continue to write the name of the terrorist country with a small letter.

Source Oxen Forest
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