Scientists from Switzerland have discovered a key cause of aging

Scientists at the University of Bern in Switzerland have realized that visceral abdominal fat causes chronic inflammation, accelerates the development of age-related diseases, and weakens the body’s defenses. Experts have discovered that it is a key cause of aging.

The main role in human wilting is played by eosinophils, a kind of immune cell. They were believed to be in the circulatory system. Now scientists have discovered them in visceral fat in humans and mice. Over the years, the number of eosinophils decreases, and inflammatory macrophages increase. With an excessive amount of visceral fat in the body, an imbalance of white blood cells occurs. This increases the likelihood of developing allergic reactions, lung diseases, weakens protection against parasites, and contributes to premature aging.

During experiments on mice, it was found that transplanting eosinophils from young rodents to elderly ones reduces the number of inflammations. As a result, animals are less likely to get sick, their physical condition improves and their immunity is strengthened. Eosinophil transplantation has a rejuvenating effect. Such experiments have not yet been conducted on humans. If the results are confirmed in the new studies, scientists will be able to create a new tool for human rejuvenation.

Source medfactor

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