For the first time in Lviv, three Ukrainian children with limb mobility disorders underwent stem cell transplants, the First Medical Association of Lviv reports.
“Stem cell transplantation is one of the world’s leading regenerative medicine techniques. And recently it was applied for the first time in our hospital.”
The first medical association in Lviv
According to the First Medical Association of Lviv, this method of treatment helps children with burn injuries and other pathologies improve limb mobility.
One of the three patients was 17-year-old Bozhena. The girl was born with a fusion of the radius and ulna, which caused the palm of her left hand to be turned forward.
A year ago, doctors corrected the pathology, and now with the help of stem cell transplantation, they have restored full activity of the limb.
The doctors performed the surgery in several stages:
- Using the liposuction method, doctors removed adipose tissue from the patient’s thigh area and separated mesenchymal stem cells from it;
- They were implanted in the previously operated area of the arm.
It is noted that stem cells can transform into any other cell type, contributing to the rapid recovery of arm tissue.
The other two operations were performed on children with post-burn and traumatic pathologies.
The surgeries were performed by Italian surgeon Roberto Brambilla and orthopedic traumatologists at St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital of the First Medical Association in Lviv.