Ukraine introduces fines for sexual insults in messengers
The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk signed the law “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (CAO) and Other Laws of Ukraine in connection with the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention”.
According to this law, the Code of Administrative Offenses was supplemented with a new Article 173-7. Now, sexual harassment, i.e. offensive, humiliating actions of a sexual nature, expressed verbally or non-verbally (words, gestures, body movements), including through the use of electronic communications, is subject to fines or correctional or community service.
Sending such messages in messengers can result in a fine of UAH 1,360 to 2,720, or community service for 20 to 40 hours, or correctional labor for up to one month with a 20% deduction of earnings.
There is also a penalty for gender-based violence, i.e. actions of a physical, psychological or economic nature against a person because of their gender or stereotypical ideas about the social roles of women or men in society.
If such actions caused damage to a person’s physical (without causing bodily harm) or mental health, the offender may be fined in the amount of UAH 1700 to 3400 or ordered to perform community service for 20 to 40 hours or correctional labor for up to one month with a 20% deduction of earnings.
As a reminder, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Istanbul Convention on June 20, 2022. The Convention defines the principles of equality and non-discrimination of women and measures to prevent violence against women.