Scientists have created an edible gel made of gold and silver that prevents intoxication

For those who dreamed of having a drink with friends without consequences, this news may seem like a reality. Researchers at ETH Zurich announced the creation of a revolutionary edible gel that prevents intoxication from alcohol.

What is known

This gel, successfully tested on mice, can reduce blood alcohol levels by up to 50 percent and protect the body from its harmful effects. Although the research is ongoing, the scientists are confident in their development and have already filed for a patent.

The uniqueness of the gel lies in its composition, which includes simple ingredients: iron, gold, and whey. Using ordinary whey proteins, the researchers created long, thin fibrils that are mixed with saline to form a gel.

How it works

The gel is slowly absorbed, which allows it to work longer. Catalysts, in particular iron atoms, are used to break down alcohol. The gel reacts with alcohol, converting it into acetic acid and preventing the body from absorbing large amounts of alcohol.

The researchers have not yet announced a clinical trial schedule, but have already published their findings in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

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